Monday, November 9, 2009

Submissions For This Week's Meeting (11/12/2009)

Hey all, I hope everyone had a good weekend! I feel like I saw most of you in one way or another, which is pretty awesome. We have three submissions this week, a poem from Annie, a short story by Rachel, and a poem by me. Pretty normal procedure. I think we may hear a selection from David Sedaris, as promised a month ago. He is a funny guy, and writes funny stuff, which makes me happy. Plus they sell his books at Fry's Electronics in Atlanta, GA. Also, one of these meetings in the near future (probably the last) will be a bar/hang out meeting, so definitely be around for that. We will probably hit up this place called Drungo's over near Vulcan Video and Conan's Pizza. It is a pretty cool place, and we are pretty cool people. Meeting time is same old 5:30pm - 7:00pm at room 3.108 in the Communications Building at UT. Drinks after? Why not.

A poem by Annie - 1 pg


A short story by Rachel - 13 pgs


A poem by Ryan - 1 pg

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